Data Dashboard

The School Data Dashboard provides a snapshot of school performance at Key Stages 1, 2 and 4. The dashboard can be used by school governors and by members of the public to check the performance of the school in which they are interested.

Please follow this link to see the data for our school: DFE School Performance Tables.

End of Key Stage National Curriculum Test Results 

Data for the academic year 2022/2023

 KS2 Attainment:

  • Percentage reaching expected standard in Reading, Writing and Mathematics: School 44% / National 59%
  • Percentage reaching higher standard in Reading, Writing and Mathematics: School 6% / National 8%
  • Percentage reaching expected standard in Reading: School 56% / National 73%
  • Percentage reading higher standard in Reading: School 15% / National 27%
  • Percentage reaching expected standard in Writing: School 65% / National 71%
  • Percentage reading higher standard in Writing: School 12% / National 13%
  • Percentage reaching expected standard in Mathematics: School 68% / National 73%
  • Percentage reading higher standard in Mathematics: School 12% / National 22%
  • Percentage reaching expected standard in Science: School 71% / National 80%
  • Percentage reaching expected standard in Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar: School 65% / National 72%
  • Percentage reading higher standard in Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar: School 24% / National 28%
  • Average Scaled Score in Reading: School 103 / LA 104 / National 105
  • Average Scaled Score in Mathematics: School 104 / LA 104 / National 104
  • Average Scaled Score in Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar: School 105 / National 105

KS2 Progress:

  • In Reading, the progress measures were -2.5
  • In Writing, the progress measures were 0.2
  • In Mathematics, the progress measures were -1.6


  • Percentage passing the Year 1 Phonics Screening: School 76% / National 49%
  • Percentage passing the Phonics Screening by Year 2: School 94% / National 89%
  • Percentage reaching expected standard in Reading, Writing and Mathematics: School 56%
  • Percentage reaching expected standard in Reading: School 63% / National 68%
  • Percentage reaching expected standard in Writing: School 59% / National 60%
  • Percentage reaching expected standard in Maths: School 70% / National 70%


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