Forward Into The Future: Achievement, Determination, Happiness, and Respect

Vision Statement

The Friars Primary School will take children forward into the future by promoting high levels of achievement, respecting and meeting their unique academic, social and emotional needs so all children are prepared for the next stage of their education and life in modern Britain.

Here at the Friars, we have high expectations and our core values are fundamental in everything that we do.

Respect – Every person deserves to be respected and feel valued and therefore we always speak and act in a respectful way. Our staff and children demonstrate mutual respect and foster positive relationships based around honesty and trust.

Determination – We are determined to succeed in everything that we do and do not believe in giving up. Our children are taught that success is a symptom of hard work and determination, and out staff are determined to provide the absolute best for our children.

Achievement – Here at The Friars, we love to do well. We recognise that achievements can be different for different people but celebrate all achievements, whether academic, sporting or personal.

Happiness – What we love to see more than anything is a smile. A smile tells us that something is going right. Our values of respect, determination and achievement lead to happiness all over the school, and this is something that we wish to spread.

Mission Statement: 

The Friars Primary School provides a calm, nurturing and caring environment that helps all children to grow in confidence and self-esteem as learners. Through creating a safe, supportive and happy environment, children are able to make progress and achieve their potential.

At The Friars Primary School, we believe English and Mathematics are the backbone of children’s academic success and achievement. Teaching and learning is based on accurate, reliable and timely information from assessment of learning and assessment for learning. Differences in learning are respected and our staff are determined to meet the needs of all children to promote high levels of achievement.

We are determined in driving our own school improvement, setting our own priorities and targets and recognising that, for the benefit of the children, we can always develop our policies and practices to maximise progress, achievement and wider outcomes. The leadership and management of the school put into place effective systems for quality-assurance and self-evaluation.