Your child can begin their day at school by coming to our Breakfast Club and After School Club is available.

  • The cost of attendance for breakfast club will be as following;
    • £3 per session, per child
    • Unregistered session – £4 per child
  • The cost of attendance for after school club will be as follows;
    • £6 per session, per child
    • Unregistered session – £7 per child
    • An unregistered session is classed as any session that has not been pre-booked before 12pm on the day of the club

The School day starts at 8:50am with the first lesson starting at 9:00. This equates to 33 hours 20 minutes each week.

As part of the Healthy Schools initiative we sell fruit to all KS2 children and all children in KS1 receive a free piece of fruit. Children are allowed to bring in their own health snack; crackers, fruit, low-sugar cereal bar.

Lunchtime is at 11:55 for K.S.1 and 12:15 for K.S.2.

Throughout the year there are various changing after school clubs, e.g. Choir, Football, Netball, Drama, Homework and Creative activities. There is no charge for these and they all finish at 4:30pm. There are also some paid-for music tuition sessions.